When WAPA has important information to share with the public, we print it in the Federal Register. Our Federal Register notices frequently focus on rate actions or environmental impact statements. The index to the left ​gives you access to all the notice​s we have printed since 2015. For more information, contact Public Affairs.


wdt_ID FOIA number Date received Date closed Estimated completion date Granted in part/full Documents requested and current status
1 WAPA-2012- 00029-F 10/06/2011 10/21/2011 11/04/2011 Part Copies of documents contained in a violence in the workplace report. CLOSED.
2 WAPA-2012- 00102-F 10/19/2011 10/27/2011 11/18/2011 Full Copies of lists, electronic files, brochures, directories, and compilations in any hard copy or digital form held by DOE of listing media contacts to whom the DOE sends news releases. CLOSED.
3 WAPA-2012- 00229-F 11/02/2011 11/23/2011 12/02/2011 Part Documents pertaining to Davey Resource Group between the dates of October 20 and November 2, 2011. CLOSED.
4 WAPA-2012- 00266-F 11/11/2011 11/17/2011 12/12/2011 Full Copies of three contracts with North Star Technology Corporation. CLOSED.
5 WAPA-2012- 00354-F 12/01/2011 01/04/2012 12/30/2012 N/A All documents pertaining to Webb's Erection Inc., contract number DE-AC65-09WG82992, Davis Substation - Stage 05. No promise to pay fees. CLOSED.
6 WAPA-2012- 00400-F 12/12/2011 12/14/2011 01/01/2012 N/A Copies of the power purchase agreement between Arizona Public Service and Perrin Ranch Wind, LLC and/or a summary of the terms and conditions. No documents exist. CLOSED.
7 WAPA-2012- 00487-F 12/28/2011 01/18/2012 01/27/2012 Full Documents between the office of US Senator Jon Tester, including communications from staff and Western, pertaining to MATL, Tonbridge Power, Enbridge, Inc., and Grasslands Renewable, LLC. CLOSED.
8 WAPA-2012- 00488-F 12/29/2011 01/12/2012 01/30/2012 Full A copy of a document that would explain Western's decision to move forward with the proposed route for the Estes-Flatiron project. CLOSED.
9 WAPA-2012- 00504-F 01/04/2012 01/04/2012 02/02/2012 FUll Western's Strategic FY 2012 Targets and FY 2011 Target Performance. CLOSED.
10 WAPA-2012- 00575-F 01/18/2012 02/06/2012 02/13/2012 N/A All direct correspondence and e-mail form U.S. Representative Denny Rehberg or representatives of his office related to MATL, Enbridge, Inc., Tonbridge Power, Inc., and Grasslands Renewable Energy, LLC. No documents exist. CLOSED.
FOIA number Date received Date closed Estimated completion date Granted in part/full Documents requested and current status

Last modified on September 29th, 2023