​​​LAKEWOOD, Colo. -​ Unprecedented and extreme cold weather conditions across the Western Area Power Administration footprint are causing an energy shortage. As a result, WAPA has been directed by market operator Southwest Power Pool to reduce load in order to preserve the system. In this unprecedented situation, WAPA utility customers in the Upper Great Plains region have been experiencing power outages.​ This emergency may last through Thursday. Utility customers should be prepared for unexpected outages.​​​


About WAPA: Western Area Power Administration annually markets and transmits more than 25,000 gigawatt-hours of clean, renewable power from 57 federal hydroelectric powerplants owned and operated by the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and International Boundary and Water Commission in 15 western and central states. It is part of the Department of Energy. Follow us on Twitter @WesternAreaPowr or visit the website at ​

Last modified on September 12th, 2023