CONTACT: Lisa Meiman, mediarelations@wapa.gov, 720-962-7411 

LAKEWOOD, Colo. – Western Area Power Administration published its Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report, Jan. 31. This year’s theme, “Serving Communities, Saving Communities,”​ highlights WAPA’s accomplishments for the year and demonstrates how WAPA serves communities across the West by focusing on availability, reliability, security and quality.

“Delivering power is about so much more than moving electrons. Our power and our services make a difference in communities we serve,” said Administrator and CEO Mark A. Gabriel in his introductory letter. “We are honored to deliver reliable and renewable power to communities who need it most.”

For the past 40 years, WAPA has served communities across the West with clean, renewable, reliable hydroelectric power and related services. In recognition of WAPA’s beneficial impact to its customers over the years, each chapter in the annual report highlights a different customer story in which WAPA’s cost-based electricity provided much more than energy to American communities.

The report also includes a one-page operational summary of WAPA’s stand-alone operational information. Combined financial statements, which include information from all three generating agencies, will be published separately, when WAPA’s third-party auditor releases its opinion.


​About WAPA: Western Area Power Administration annually markets and transmits more than 25,000 gigawatt-hours of clean, renewable power from 57​ federal hydroelectric powerplants owned and operated by the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and International Boundary and Water Commission in 15 western and central states. It is part of the Department of Energy.

Last modified on September 12th, 2023