Silver Queen Wind Farm

​Scout Clean Energy proposes to construct the Silver Queen Wind Farm Project (Project) in Carroll and Crawford Counties, southwest of the town of Carroll, Iowa. The proposed project, to be called the Silver Queen Wind Farm Project, would interconnect with the Western Area Power Administration’s (WAPA’s) electrical transmission system and include construction of a 252-megawatt wind farm generating facility with up to 77 turbines and associated pads.  Other Project components would include underground communication and power collection systems, a new Project substation, access roads, an operation and maintenance facility, meteorological towers, and an overhead transmission line connecting the project to WAPA’s transmission system. Construction of the Silver Queen Wind Farm is proposed to begin as early as April 2025.​

WAPA’S Involvement

​If there is available transmission capacity on the federal transmission system, WAPA provides open access to transmission services so that energy producers can transmit power to their customers.  Any entity requesting transmission services must submit an application for interconnection.  For more information about the interconnection process, visit WAPA’s website h​ere​.  The federal interconnection process is separate from any State, County, or local permitting and approvals that may be required.

The proposed interconnection of the Project to WAPA’s transmission  system is a Federal action under NEPA.  As a result, an Environmental Assessment (EA) will be prepared to evaluate the environmental effects of the Project.  The EA will tier from the analysis conducted in the Upper Great Plains Wind Energy Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS).  The PEIS can be viewed he​re.  If WAPA finds there are no significant environmental impacts, the interconnection request will be granted and WAPA will prepare a Finding of No Significant Impact.  Together, the EA and the PEIS would comprise the NEPA documentation for this proposed Federal action.   If significant impacts are identified, the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process would be initiated.  An EIS provides a more thorough evaluation of impacts and alternatives, as well as a more formal public involvement process.

Public Involvement

A public scoping period was held from November 1st to November 29th, 2023.  During the scoping process, input was requested from the general public, government agencies, tribal governments, and others to identify issues and alternatives that would help WAPA define the scope of the EA.

WAPA is now announcing the publication of the Draft EA. A public review period for the Draft EA is being held until September 13, 2024.

Comments may be submitted in the following ways:

  • By email to with “Silver Queen Wind Farm Project Comment” in the subject line
  • By mail to:

Western Area Power Administration
UGP NEPA Coordinator
2900 4th Avenue North
Billings, MT 59101-1266

Written comments should be postmarked no later than September 13, 2024.

A summary of all public comments received during scoping as well as responses, is included in Appendix F of the Draft EA (available for download below).

Project Links

Silver Queen Wind Appendices

Contact Information

Western Area Power Administration
UGP NEPA Coordinator
2900 4th Avenue North
Billings, MT 59101-1266
(406) 255-2810​


Last modified on August 27th, 2024