Sand Creek Winds, LLC proposes to construct the Sand Creek Wind Farm (Project) in McCone County, Montana. The Project would include up to 20 wind turbines, spread across roughly 6 square miles (120 acres) of leased private land located 9 miles south of the town of Wolf Point, Montana, on the west side of State Highway 13. The Project would also include the construction of associated access roads, overhead/underground collection lines, a new interconnection substation, an operation and maintenance building, a combined laydown area, and construction office. The Project would interconnect to WAPA’s existing Wolf Point to Circle 115kV transmission line.
If there is available transmission capacity on the federal transmission system, WAPA provides open access to transmission services so that energy producers can transmit power to their customers. Any entity requesting transmission services must submit an application for interconnection. For more information about the interconnection process, visit WAPA’s website here. The federal interconnection process is separate from any State, County, or local permitting and approvals that may be required.
The proposed interconnection of the Project to WAPA’s transmission system is a Federal action under NEPA. As a result, an Environmental Assessment (EA) will be prepared to evaluate the environmental effects of the Project. The EA will tier from the analysis conducted in the Upper Great Plains Wind Energy Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS). The PEIS can be viewed here. If WAPA finds there are no significant environmental impacts, the interconnection request will be granted and WAPA will prepare a Finding of No Significant Impact. Together, the EA and the PEIS would comprise the NEPA documentation for this proposed Federal action. If significant impacts are identified, the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process would be initiated. An EIS provides a more thorough evaluation of impacts and alternatives, as well as a more formal public involvement process.
WAPA is announcing the availability of the draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for public review and comment.
Comments may be submitted by:
Email to
Hard-copy letter to:
Western Area Power Administration
6th Floor Attn: Christina Gomer
2900 4th Avenue North
Billings, MT 59101-1266
Verbally, by calling (406) 255-2811
Written comments should be postmarked no later than Friday, March 9th, 2018.
Draft EA for Public Review and Comment
Christina Gomer
Western Area Power Administration
UGP NEPA Coordinator
2900 4th Avenue North
Billings, MT 59101-1266
(406) 255-2811
Last modified on November 4th, 2024