Reclamation Act
June 17, 1902
An act to provide a feasible and comprehensive plan for the variable payment of construction charges on United States reclamation projects, to protect the investment of the United States in such projects, and for other purposes.
Link to Reclamation Act
Federal Water Power Act
June 10, 1920
An Act to create a Federal power Commission; to provide for the improvement of navigation the development of water power the use of the public lands in relation thereto, and to repeal section 18 of the Rivers and Harbor Appropration Act, approved August 8, 1917, and for other purposes.
Link to Federal Water Power Act
Boulder Canyon Project Act
December 21, 1928
An Act to provide for the construction of works and the protection and development of the Colorado River Basin, for the approval of the Colorado River compact, and for other purposes. Established the Colorado River Dam Fund, $25M flood control funding, Act funding of $165M, Hoover Dam, All-American canal both contingent upon the Colorado River Compact negotiation.
Link to BCP Act
Federal Power Act
August 26, 1935
An Act to provide for control and regulation of pulic-utility holding companies, and for other purposes. Asserted Federal regulation of matters relating to generation and transmission to the public. Originated the Federal Power Commission which later became Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Link to Federal Power Act
Reclamation Project Act of 1939
August 4, 1939
An Act to provide a feasible and comprehensive plan for the variable payment of construction
charges on United States reclamation projects, to protect the investment of the United States,
in such projects, and for other purposes. Preference clause relative to reclamation projects.
Link to Reclamation Project Act of 1939
Boulder Canyon Adjustment Act
July 19, 1940
An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to promulgate and to put into effect charges for
electrical energy generated at Boulder dam, providing for the application of revenues from said
project, authorizing the operation of the Boulder Power Plant by the United States directly or
through agents, and for other purposes.
Link to BCP Adjustment Act
Flood Control Act of 1944
December 22, 1944
An Act authorizing the contstruction of certain public works on rivers and harbors for flood
control, and for other purposes. The preference provisions of section 5 of the Flood Control
Act of 1944 must be read in pari materia with the preference provisions of the Boulder Canyon
Project Act (43 U.S.C § 617d(c))
Link to Flood Control Act of 1944
Boulder City Act of 1958
September 2, 1958
An Act to provide for the disposal of certain Federal property in the Boulder City area, to
provide assistance in the establishment of a municipality incorported under the laws of Nevada, and for other purposes.
Link to Boulder City Act of 1958
Department of Energy Organization Act
August 4, 1977
An Act to establish a Department of Energy in the executive branch by the reorganization of
energy functions within the Federal government in order to secure effective management to
assure a coordinated national energy policy, and for other purposes. Transferred power marketing functions from DOI ot DOE.
Link to DOE Organization Act
Hoover Power Plant Act of 1984
January 23, 1984
An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct, operate and maintain certain
facilities at Hoover Dam, and for other purposes. Including the delineation of a contract
quantities amongst project participants.
Link to Hoover Power Plant Act of 1984
Single Click on timeline to view a brief summary. Not all dates available.
Last modified on October 22nd, 2024