CRSP MC Transmision Function Job Descriptions Transmission System Planning Manager
- Reports to the CRSP MC Manager
- Directs and participates in seasonal transmission analysis and operating guidelines
- Manages and participates in long and short-term transmission system planning
- Directs and participates in the determination of available transfer capability
- Directs and participates in matters relating to WAPA’s Tariff, and developing and revising interconnection agreements, operating agreements, joint ownership agreements, facility agreements and regulatory filings
- Participates in acquiring capacity and energy necessary to support contract commitments to provide ancillary services associated with transmission service sales
- Oversees and directs processing of requests for and approving or denying transmission service agreements and implementing related rates and charges and discounts under WAPA’s Tariff
- Oversees ancillary services sales associated with providing transmission service
- Represents the CRSP MC at regional transmission system planning forums.
Last modified on September 17th, 2024