Role Descriptions

Energy Management and Marketing Manager

  • Reports to the CRSP MC Manager
  • Coordinates, on a 24-hour basis, with Reclamation generating plants and other resources, the economic production of electricity
  • Dispatches generation and schedules power purchases and sales to meet native load, marketing opportunities and economic dispatch
  • Markets bulk power on an hourly basis
  • Requests transmission service for Federal power sale
  • Verifies and confirms hourly and daily schedules through prior and after-the-fact checkouts with other marketing entities
  • Establishes and maintains internal relationships and industry contacts with buyers, suppliers and delivery system owners/operators
  • Identifies need for transmission service to deliver Federal power sales

Energy Management and Marketing Specialists

  • Report to the Energy Management and Marketing Manager
  • Coordinate, on a 24-hour basis, with Reclamation generating plants and other resources, the economic production of electricity
  • Dispatch generation and schedule power purchases and sales to meet native load, marketing opportunities and economic dispatch
  • Market bulk power on an hourly basis
  • Request transmission service for firm power load
  • Verify and confirm hourly and daily schedules through prior and after-the-fact checkouts with other marketing entities
  • Maintain internal relationships and industry contacts with buyers, suppliers and delivery system owners/operators
  • Identify need for transmission service for delivery of firm loads

Public Utilities Specialists

  • Report to the Energy Management and Marketing Manager
  • Verify and confirm hourly and daily schedules through prior and after-the-fact checkouts with other marketing entities
  • Establish and maintain internal relationships and industry contacts with buyers, suppliers and delivery system owners/operators
  • Develop documentation of interchange scheduling functions
  • Coordinate Interchange Scheduling and Accounting
  • Review daily energy sales and purchases reports
  • Review accounts prior to issuance of bills and reports
  • Coordinate long-term power purchases and sales
  • Coordinate load resource planning

Power Marketing and Contracts Manager

  • Reports to the CRSP MC Manager
  • Directs and participates in administering electric service contracts
  • Directs and participates in developing power marketing policies
  • Directs and participates in developing, analyzing and administering contracts for power transactions
  • Maintains relations with power customers
  • Directly participates in evaluating power supply options used to support firm electric service or power supply contracts
  • Provides a contract-drafting service, using information available on the

Oasis Public Utilities Specialist

  • Report to the Power Marketing and Contracts Manager
  • Develop, negotiate and administer electric service contracts
  • Develop and participate in developing power marketing policies
  • Develop, analyze and administer contracts for power transactions
  • Maintain relationships with power customers
  • Participate in evaluating power supply options used to support firm electric service or power supply contracts

Enviromental Planning and Resouces Analysis Manager

  • Reports to the CRSP MC Manager
  • Prepares long-term plans for hydroelectric resources
  • Directs and administers environmental plans and compliance activities
  • Directs and administers studies to determine long-term planning surplus energy availability
  • Determines sustainable hydroelectric power and available hydroelectric power under existing long-term power sales contracts
  • Negotiates aspects of studies and analysis with representatives of other
  • Federal and state agencies and special interest groups and represents
  • Western policies and activities to these groups
  • Conducts special marketing surveys and economic evaluations studies to determine probable effect on firm power customers
  • Develops and recommends criteria for allocating and marketing power on a long- and short-term basis
  • Calculates customer allocations for long-term power sales

Electrical Engineer 

  • Reports to the Environmental and Resource Planning Manager
  • Identifies surplus energy availability
  • Identifies long-term plans for hydroelectric resources
  • Determines sustainable hydroelectric power and available hydroelectric power
  • Conducts special marketing surveys and economic evaluations studies to determine probable effect on firm power customers
  • Develops and recommends criteria used to allocate and market power on a long- and short-term basis
  • Determines customer allocations for long-term power sales
  • Performs special studies as they relate to non-reimbursable environmental costs
  • Prepares engineering studies related to power marketing activities
  • Negotiates aspects of studies and analysis with representatives of other
  • Federal and state agencies and special interest groups and represents
  • Western policies and activities to these groups

Public Utilities Specialist

  • Reports to the Environmental and Resource Planning Manager
  • Identifies surplus energy availability
  • Identifies long-term planning for hydroelectric resources
  • Determines sustainable hydroelectric power and available hydroelectric power
  • Conducts special marketing surveys and economic evaluations studies to determine probable effect on firm power customers
  • Develops and recommends criteria used to allocate and market power on a long- and short-term basis
  • Calculates customer allocations for long-term power sales
  • Performs special studies as they relate to non-reimbursable environmental costs
  • Coordinates studies, analysis and correspondence with representatives of other Federal and state agencies and special interest groups

Last modified on January 3rd, 2025