As part of its process, WAPA held three information forums and a 45-day ​comment period to solicit stakeholder input regarding its recommendation for the Loveland Area Projects and the Colorado River Storage Project to pursue negotiations regarding membership in the Southwest Power Pool (PDF)​. Although the regulatory requirements WAPA follows for public processes, such as those that apply to ratemaking, do not apply, WAPA engaged in this effort for customer outreach and to obtain stakeholder input.

Process Overview

WAPA held information forums in Loveland, Colorado and Phoenix, Arizona, on Nov. 9, and in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Nov. 14. The 45-day comment period ended Nov. 27. The questions and comments received at the information forums and during the comment period will help inform a decision about whether or not to proceed to final negotiations with SPP for CRSP and LAP membership.​ Highlights from the process include:

  • ​Detailed explanations of the recommendation
  • Opportunities for customers and other stakeholders to ask questions
  • Stakeholders submitted 15 letters that encompass more than 100 q​uestions or comments

Once a decision is made, it will be posted to this webpage​.

​​​Documents and Resources​​


Mountain West Transmission Group: WAPA’s CRSP and LAP are participants in the Mountain West Transmission Group. Mountain West began discussions in 2013 to evaluate a suite of strategic options expanding from a common transmission tariff to membership in an existing RTO. Extensive analyses indicate that RTO membership and market participation would provide greater benefits to customers than a common tariff alone.

Southwest Power Pool: SPP held a separate public stakeholder process on proposed modifications to its governing documents for considering accepting membership of Mountain West Transmission Group participants.


For general questions regarding this effort, call:

  • Dave Neumayer​, 970-461-7322 for LAP-specific questions
  • Parke​r Wicks, 801-524-5265 for CRSP-specific questions

Last modified on September 10th, 2024